Welcome to the APQS Blog

September 2, 2014
Finding a path for crosshatching
Crosshatching is a useful technique for any quilter. Straight line crosshatching is traditionally found behind applique and even a small amount of crosshatching can dress up a quilt top.
August 26, 2014
TLC tips for older quilts
If you're trying to save an older quilt from the cutting pile, these tips from well-known quilters may help you extend the life of your special treasure...
August 19, 2014
How to do a pantograph [with VIDEO]
With literally thousands of pantograph designs available today, you can quilt anything from a simple swirling pattern to an elaborate cityscape scene across your quilt.
August 12, 2014
Miniature quilts
Mini quilts are a wonderful way to accomplish a particular pattern or technique without investing lots of dollars into fabric and batting.
August 5, 2014
Don’t forget about straight line quilting …
Our machines move so freely that it is easy to forget how to effectively use straight line quilting to add drama and emphasis to a quilt top.
August 5, 2014
APQS Quilt Path: Restarting after Unplanned Shutdown
July 29, 2014
Quilting the Quilt: Quilts in motion
To keep the viewer’s attention focused on your masterpiece longer, use one of the following techniques to add movement to your work.
July 22, 2014
How do you properly use rulers when you quilt?
Ruler work is a quick way to make a quilt spectacular but it can be intimidating. The most important thing to remember is safety. The last thing you want is to hear the heart sickening sound of the hopping foot crunching on Plexiglas while using your APQS
July 15, 2014
Quilting more than one quilt at a time
Imagine how quickly you could knock out quilts if you could get more than one on the frame at a time! Well, it IS possible if you use a single backing fabric for both quilts.
July 8, 2014
How to mark a quilt
Have you ever walked through a quilt show and felt the inspiration oozing out of the quilty masterpieces but have wondered how the quilter makes such incredible designs on the quilts?