Tool Tips

December 1, 2020
Useful tools for APQS George machines
New gadgets pop up all the time to make quilting easier. In this article, Education Director Dawn Cavanaugh shares some useful tools for APQS George owners.
May 14, 2019
Rule your Quilt: Adding spice with scallop and arc machine quilting templates
Machine quilting with templates can add spice and variety to your quilt tops. The best news is that it isn’t hard to do!
July 31, 2018
A guide to needles for longarm quilting machines
An APQS longarm quilting machine is an industrial grade quilting machine firing upwards of 3,500 stitches per minute and it requires an industrial needle. It is critical that the needle you use in your machine is capable of sewing at high rates of speed in 360 degrees.
February 13, 2018
Machine quilting with black light
Why have black light on your longarm? Try quilting with white thread on white fabric without losing your place, and you’ll quickly find out how valuable it is! New APQS machines come standard with bright LED light, plus a built-in LED black light for ultimate versatility.
November 7, 2017
The definitive guide to longarm quilting machine needles
Needles are one of the most critical tools in a quilter’s sewing box. Choosing the right needle for the thread, fabric and batting you’re using can mean the difference between a fabulous quilt and one filled with tension issues, broken threads, and batting pokeys!
June 6, 2017
Our most popular Pinterest posts ...
Pinterest is a great place to find quilting inspiration. Whether it’s color combinations, patterns, quilting designs or images of quilts, the social platform will inspire you and help you successfully complete your next quilt project...
April 12, 2016
How to organize your paper pantographs
Storing and organizing your collection of paper pantographs is important. After all, you want to protect the investment you’ve made into your paper pattern collection.
January 19, 2016
APQS Video Tutorial: Longarm ruler tips
Discover how to use longarm rulers to stitch in the ditch and guide your APQS quilting machine.
January 5, 2016
No-mark method for stitching complicated quilting designs
With so many tales of caution about marks that won’t go away, or marks that went away and then came back later, the idea of marking a quilt top can be scary.
June 30, 2015
Strip cutting quickies
Here's a handy chart to use to help you cut the patches you need for your project using a 6" x 24" cutting ruler and long strips of fabric.