Quilt Finishing Tips

September 18, 2018
Piecing trick to reduce bulk seams
I’ve learned a piecing trick over the years that reduces that bulk and helps the block lay flat. Here’s how to do it…
August 21, 2018
Do I "have" to stitch in the ditch?
Quilters can make a case for both a “yes” and a “no” answer. Quilts that are quilted “edge to edge” will not have stitching in the ditch...
April 18, 2017
Quilt Shows - How to clean your quilt for judging
A quilt can be flawlessly constructed and beautifully designed, but if it arrives covered in cat hair or with an offensive odor it may not even make it to the judging room.
November 8, 2016
How to choose batting for your quilt
No matter what you call it, that middle layer can have a dramatic effect on your quilt. Think about these questions when choosing batting...
October 18, 2016
APQS Video Tutorial: Honeysuckle Filler
In this video tutorial, Angela Huffman, APQS dealer and educator, shares a fun filler design called the Honeysuckle Filler. It features straight lines and circles with some pointed leaf shapes behind it.
June 7, 2016
Quilting the Quilt: Modern lines for modern times
While quilting texture is a big part of modern quilt appeal, that texture is characterized by simple quilting designs instead of elaborate or ornate designs found in more traditional quilts.
May 31, 2016
How to piece quilt backs
Taking a little extra time preparing the backing can make a huge difference in the quilt’s longevity as well as how easy it will be to quilt it.
May 17, 2016
APQS Video Tutorial: Ribbon Candy Bubble
Watch APQS Dealer and Educator Angela Huffman teach you the Ribbon Candy Bubble design. It's great to use in a sashing space or you could make it bigger in a border design.
May 10, 2016
Quilting the Quilt: Speedy binding attachment with your longarm quilting machine
For those of us who push quilting deadlines, this timesaving method is just the trick we need to get the binding on a quilt in record time.
April 26, 2016
APQS Video Tutorial: Daisy Paisley Meander
The Daisy Paisley Meander takes the paisley shape and puts a little daisy in the heart of the paisley and turns it on its side so you can use it for edge-to-edge and all-over-designs.