Quilt Finishing Tips

October 6, 2020
How much binding do I need?
Download our “Binding Strip Cutting Chart” so you never have to guesstimate how much binding you'll need for your quilt...
September 15, 2020
Longarm quilting: working with flannel
The same characteristics that make flannel so carressible can also make it irritating to use when piecing and quilting a flannel quilt.
September 1, 2020
Piecing quilt backs
Sometimes by the time I snip the threads after sewing on the last border of a quilt, I’m so excited to have it finished that the last thing I want to do is wrestle several more yards through the machine to seam backing fabric. How about you?
July 7, 2020
How to label your quilts
Labeling your quilt will help ensure that its provenance is accurate, which can add to its value—both sentimental as well as financial. But it can also help identify a quilt in case of loss or theft.
June 2, 2020
Attacking scrappy backs - here's how to get your backing measurements right every time
If you’re not a longarmer, it’s tough to understand why the backing and batting need to be so much bigger - especially when one’s already scrimping to piece the backing together from scraps. Here's why...
May 19, 2020
Fake it when you make it: faux piping
Adding piping along the binding of a quilt is an art form all by itself. Here's a step-by-step guide to achieve faux piping...
April 7, 2020
Reference chart for quilt sizes
With all the variables of today’s beds and styles, we created a handy reference chart to give you a starting point when designing your next quilt size.
February 4, 2020
How to completely bind your quilt by machine
With this trick from APQS Education Director Dawn Cavanaugh, we're going use the machine to completely bind the quilt by sewing the binding to the back of the quilt first and then wrapping it around to the front.
May 7, 2019
How to square up a quilt for binding
When the quilting’s done and the binding is all that remains, the finish line is in sight. What an awesome feeling! Before you head down the home stretch, take some time to “square up” the quilt and your quilt will look even more spectacular.
April 30, 2019
Machine binding a quilt
Learn how to bind your quilts with a domestic sewing machine.