Quilt Finishing Tips

October 26, 2021
How to sew mitered border corners
Have you ever thought that a striped fabric or border print would be perfect for your quilt, but you didn’t like how the corners looked with straight cut borders? Don’t abandon those stripes—use mitered corners instead! In this article, APQS Education Director Dawn Cavanaugh shows you how to sew mitered border corners.
October 19, 2021
How to attach borders to a quilt top
Wavy borders on a quilt top are no fun! In this article, APQS Dealer and Educator Angela Huffman gives you her expert tips for attaching borders to a quilt top.
July 27, 2021
Top 5 tips to get a quilted wall hanging to hang square and flat
Have you ever worked really hard on a quilt and decided to hang it on your wall? But, once you get it up there, you find that it looks more like a 3D sculpture as it protrudes, ripples and waves at you as it hangs? For a quilt to hang flat and square on a wall, there is some preplanning necessary...
July 6, 2021
How to Trapunto using your quilting machine
Trapunto technique emphasizes parts of a design using a double layer of batting under in certain areas and a single layer elsewhere. Learn how to do it by machine in this article!
June 1, 2021
How to achieve 1/4" wide seams
Achieving ¼” seams can be a tricky task. In this article, APQS Education Director Dawn Cavanaugh gives you a step-by-step guide for getting seams just right using good ironing technique, a piecing foot and a moleskin guide.
May 25, 2021
Video Tutorial: Knife edge binding and prairie points
Crisp, sharp quilt edges look sleek! APQS Education Director Dawn Cavanaugh shares how to make knife-edge binding, which is the perfect way to add prairie points, cording or other embellishments to your quilts.
April 20, 2021
Reference chart for common quilting shapes
For those who don't like to memorize formulas, we created a handy reference chart to help you do the math when quilting common shapes.
February 2, 2021
A guide to bias binding
In this guide, you'll learn two effective methods for bias binding: cutting individual bias strips and cutting continuous binding from a tube.
December 29, 2020
Our most popular posts of 2020
From easy-to-follow tutorials to actionable tips, these nine articles are the ones that received the most visits in 2020.
October 27, 2020
How to tie a quilt on an APQS longarm quilting machine
Did you know your APQS longarm quilting machine can be used to tie a quilt? In this video, APQS Education Director Dawn Cavanaugh shares a tutorial for how to get the look of a hand-tied quilt without all the work of layering, basting, and tying knots.